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Brand Internet image strategy

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There are three main types of brand presence on the Internet. The Brick and Mortar model for the offline operating businesses, where there is only simple information about the company on the Internet. Pure Players model is the opposite and it refers to the online operating brands. The Clicks and Mortar model is the mix of two above. No matter which model is adequate for your company, nowadays you have to have the Internet presence strategy.

The main goals in this field are brand`s reputation building, increasing the brand awareness, especially among the Internet opinion leaders and crisis management. It may seem that achieving these goals requires lots of money and huge efforts from the team of specialists, but it does not have to be that hard. The Internet monitoring tool can be your effective and money saving alternative.

Monitoring your company image on the Internet provides you with the full information about who, what and when was said about your brand on the web. The additional advantage of our tool is ability to identify the sources of this mentions divided on two categories: author and sites, each presented with its actual Internet reach. This allows you to pinpoint the opinion leaders and address them with the positive message in order to build up good relationship. Internet monitoring email notification system informs you every time the new comment about your brand has been published. This feature helps you to manage the reputation crisis situation before it gets out of hand. Easy to read and analyze data allows you to control your Internet image strategy and set the directions of its development.

Topics:building the brand image, brand crisis management, brand awareness on the web, pr strategy..

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