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Viral marketing

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Viral marketing is a very common strategy of running the Internet marketing campaigns. It is based on situation when the Internet users or clients of certain brand, product or service start to share the information about it.

The natural environment for the viral marketing is social media sector. The easiness and eagerness of sharing and handing down the message allows to accomplish almost any type of marketing goal. The only necessity is to create catchy and/or valuable message. That is why, in many cases the viral marketing form is much different than regular ad forms created for other channels of communication. Very often the main message about brand or product is camouflaged into more specious and interesting design. The main advantages of viral marketing are low cost and extensive reach, but on the other hand many can point the difficulty of measuring its effect. Here is where viral marketing comes in handy.

Viral marketing can be used as a tool that helps to run and measure these types of campaigns. By monitoring the whole internet you can actually see the pace and direction that your campaign is going to. These information will help you to recognize the performance of each communication channel (portal) and put the emphasis on those which perform worse than others. Finally viral marketing will provide you with relevant data about the actual reach and effect of your effort.

Topics:viral actions, viral marketing solutions, how to create viral video..

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